Welcome to NeggsNetwork Battle Command Forums! We invite you use common sense! Profanity is allowed in a mature fashion. Use your best judgment. If your best judgement is being a King Douchebag your post will be removed. Try to keep things as positive as possible and game related. Off-Topic discussions keep pg-13. You are more then welcome to be yourself within reason. Have fun!! Game on Gamers!!
* Profanity is allowed, just don't be a dick
* If you spam, Black Dynamite will end you
* Be helpful
Don't forget, you can always add the image of your favorite Battle Command plan by simply copying the address of that plan into the forum post. Such as:
Neggs Network is not at all associated to Spacetime Studios and if your question is in regards to the game (instead of our website), please ask your question to the proper channels associated with Battle Command. Thank you.
* Profanity is allowed, just don't be a dick
* If you spam, Black Dynamite will end you
* Be helpful
Don't forget, you can always add the image of your favorite Battle Command plan by simply copying the address of that plan into the forum post. Such as:
Neggs Network is not at all associated to Spacetime Studios and if your question is in regards to the game (instead of our website), please ask your question to the proper channels associated with Battle Command. Thank you.